Mobility and Traffic Engineering




Open-source Matlab traffic simulation platform. Simulation of large-scale urban networks based on multi-reservoir models and MFD.


Mariotte, G., Leclercq, L., Gonzalez Ramirez, H., Krug, J. & Bécarie, C., 2021. Assessing traveler compliance with the social optimum: A stated preference study. Travel Behaviour and Society, 23:177–191, doi:10.1016/j.tbs.2020.12.005
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Mariotte, G., Paipuri, M. & Leclercq, L., 2020. Dynamics of Flow Merging and Diverging in MFD-Based Systems: Validation vs. Microsimulation. Frontiers in Future Transportation, vol. 1, doi:10.3389/ffutr.2020.604088
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Ingole, D., Mariotte, G. & Leclercq, L., 2020. Minimizing network-wide emissions by optimal routing through inner-city gating. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 86:102411, doi:10.1016/j.trd.2020.102411
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Mariotte, G., Leclercq, L., Batista, S. F. A., Krug, J. & Paipuri, M., 2020. Calibration and validation of multi-reservoir MFD models: A case study in Lyon. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 136:62–86, doi:10.1016/j.trb.2020.03.006
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Ingole, D., Mariotte, G. & Leclercq, L., 2020. Perimeter gating control and citywide dynamic user equilibrium: A macroscopic modeling framework. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 111:22–49, doi:10.1016/j.trc.2019.11.016
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Mariotte, G. & Leclercq, L., 2019. Flow exchanges in multi-reservoir systems with spillbacks. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 122:327–349, doi:10.1016/j.trb.2019.02.014
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Ingole, D., Mariotte, G. & Leclercq, L., 2019. Nonlinear Model Predictive Control to reduce network-wide traffic emission. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(6):19–24, doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.08.142
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Mariotte, G. & Leclercq, L., 2019. Heterogeneous perimeter flow distributions and MFD-based traffic simulation. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 7(1):1378–1401, doi:10.1080/21680566.2019.1627954
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Mariotte, G., Leclercq, L. & Laval, J. A., 2017. Macroscopic urban models: Analytical and numerical investigations of existing models. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 101:245–267, doi:10.1016/j.trb.2017.04.002
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> Graphical abstract (.pdf)
Leclercq, L., Sénécat, A. & Mariotte, G., 2017. Dynamic macroscopic simulation of on-street parking search: a trip-based approach. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 101:268–282, doi:10.1016/j.trb.2017.04.004
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PhD thesis

Dynamic Modeling of Large-Scale Urban Transportation Systems
> Manuscript (.pdf)
> Abstract (.pdf)
> Extended abstract in French (.pdf)

Conference presentations

04–06.09.2019 O Ingole, D.P, Mariotte, G. & Leclercq, L., Optimal route guidance and Model Predictive Control of network-wide traffic emission
hEART 8th Symposium 2019, Budapest, Hungary
17–21.06.2019 O Mariotte, G., Paipuri, M. & Leclercq, L.O, Multi-reservoir MFD-based simulation: An application to the city network of Lyon
TRISTAN X Symposium 2019, Hamilton Island, Australia
13–17.01.2019 O Mariotte, G.P, Paipuri, M. & Leclercq, L., Flow exchanges in multi-trip MFD-based systems: A validation study versus microscopic simulation
TRB 98th Annual Meeting 2019, Washington DC, USA
O Ingole, D.P, Mariotte, G. & Leclercq, L., Perimeter Control With External User Equilibrium Discipline
TRB 98th Annual Meeting 2019, Washington DC, USA
04–07.09.2018 O Mariotte, G.O, Paipuri, M. & Leclercq, L., Modeling local flow restriction at boundaries in multi-reservoir systems: An hybrid approach
hEART 7th Symposium 2018, Athens, Greece
07–11.01.2018 O Mariotte, G.O & Leclercq, L., MFD-based simulation: Spillbacks in multi-reservoir networks
TRB 97th Annual Meeting 2018, Washington DC, USA
11–14.09.2017 O Mariotte, G.O & Leclercq, L., The MFD trip-based approach applied to multi-reservoir systems
hEART 6th Symposium 2017, Haifa, Israel
08–12.01.2017 O Mariotte, G.O, Leclercq, L. & Laval, J. A., Dual expression of macroscopic urban models: Analytical and numerical investigations
TRB 96th Annual Meeting 2017, Washington DC, USA
O Sénécat, A., Leclercq, L.P & Mariotte, G., Macroscopic simulation of on-street parking search: a trip-based approach
TRB 96th Annual Meeting 2017, Washington DC, USA
13–16.09.2016 O Mariotte, G.P & Leclercq, L., Impact of the local demand-supply perimeter distribution and the internal reservoir trip length on MFD-based traffic simulation
hEART 5th Symposium 2016, Delft, the Netherlands
02–03.07.2016 O Mariotte, G. & Leclercq, L.O, Impact of the local demand-supply perimeter distribution and the internal reservoir trip length on MFD-based traffic simulation
TFT Summer Meeting 2016, Sydney, Australia

(Superscript O for oral presentation, P for poster presentation)

Simulation results and videos

Situation 1: free-flow conditions for the whole urban area

Situation 2: congested conditions due to a restriction on the outflow

Modeling of traffic flow within a given urban area. This first approach, also called the "bathtub model", is based on the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (Outflow-MFD) which relates the vehicle exit rate to the accumulation inside the zone (number of circulating vehicles). We also denote it the "accumulation-based" approach.

Situation 1: free-flow conditions for the whole urban area

Situation 2: congested conditions due to a restriction on the outflow

This second representation concentrates more particularly on the distance that the vehicles have to travel in the area. It is based on the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (Speed-MFD) which relates the global mean speed to the accumulation inside the zone. We also call it the "trip-based" approach.

Lyon 6 network split into 8 zones:

Lyon6 Lyon6

Simulation results: evolution of the mean speed and the number of vehicles in each zone.

Example of a simulation on the network of Lyon 6th district with several zones. Traffic conditions are considered homogeneous in each zone. Traffic flow is described by the first above-mentioned modeling approach. The demand scenario creates flows from North to South that interact with flows from East to West.

Lyon network split into 5 zones:

Lyon network split into 10 zones:

Another example of simulation on the network of Lyon-Villeurbanne (France). The demand scenario corresponds to a typical weekday.