Web application to visualize and create historical timelines.
Chinese–French/English/German dictionnary using the open source databases CFDict, CC-CEDict and HanDeDict. This app is for Windows only.
Matlab GUI application that emulates a sound level meter for acoustic measures (sound pressure levels, octave-band frequency spectrum, etc).
New edition of a public domain book on Chinese traditional music: "La musique chinoise" written by Louis Laloy (1903, in French) > Download (.pdf)
> music.guilhemmariotte.com Musical pieces for various ensembles (symphonic orchestra, jazz band and small ensembles)
> Interactive Clock Interactive computer installation on iMac, designed and realized for Xiaojun Song, solo exhibition "Visible, Invisible" at United Art Museum in Wuhan, China
> Le quatrième mur Interactive installation, realized in collaboration with Xiaojun Song
> Ruines Composition and sound design for the video of Xiaojun Song, art exhibition "70,80,90,00" at Tanghu Museum in Wuhan, China